The Benefits of Installing a DVD Player in Your Vehicle’s Audio System
If you’re in the market for a new car stereo, you might want to look into options that incorporate gaming consoles and DVD players. I know this sounds basic, but anyone who has ever driven cross-country with kids knows that it’s worth it to have one installed—and to have it done right.
No doubt there will be heated debates over the usefulness of these gadgets, but I can assure you from personal experience that they are far more secure than dealing with rowdy kids in the back who are vying for your undivided attention. While traveling in less-than-ideal weather and on highways crowded with holiday revelers, I can’t think of many distractions that would compare. In all honesty, I’d vote for toy of the year if it could occupy children for two hours straight.
Having a system installed, though, will minimize the driver’s exposure to both the lights and the noises, so it’s definitely something to think about. Put a gaming system, DVD player, and headphones in your car, and I guarantee you’ll be able to drive along listening to your mom’s music while the kids in the rear take turns playing games and watching DVDs. Who gets to take turns and for how long is perhaps the most important decision you’ll have to make as a referee.
There are many more advantages to installing an entertainment system for children who are traveling with you, and I think it’s crucial to mention them all. The fact that the backset is asking less and fewer dissatisfied queries, such as “are we there yet?” is another genuine improvement. Another perk is that the kids can usually drift off to sleep with a DVD they’ve watched a dozen times, which means we have a few more peaceful minutes to ourselves as they sleep.
My kids are wanting to get out of the car less frequently for bathroom breaks, which is another pleasant surprise I’ve discovered: having a DVD player integrated into our car stereo. I used to think that the frequent trips to the restroom were due to boredom, and now I’m pretty sure I was right. A new DVD is something mommy does right before a lengthy road trip to make sure everything runs well.
I also bring out some older, less frequently seen DVDs, in addition to a new one that the kids won’t grow tired of just yet. This allows mom to focus on the road ahead, making sure the kids are happy and safe, while the youngsters remain quiet and content.
On lengthy excursions, keep in mind that the sights and sounds of the journey won’t be enough to entertain and occupy young children. In an effort to stave off boredom, you may anticipate never-ending inquiries and banter. Listening to upbeat music on the radio won’t be enough to keep you from encountering such problems; after all, how many times can you listen to “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” on a twelve-hour road trip? When you’re shopping for a high-quality car audio system, it’s a good idea to include a high-quality DVD player. This is an investment that will pay for itself many times over if you decide to have a family, and trust me, I am the queen of frugalness when it comes to attempting to save money.